noelle o designs

creativity + sewing + upcycling inspiration

art, kid art, media

I could not have said it better myself…

Kid art on the itouch, while waiting in line at Cafe Rio, pleasantly anticipating supper.

HEY, so as you can see, I made the big move from Blogger to WordPress and my very own .com website (is that redundant?). With extreme trepidation and anticipation (I got the domain name 5 months ago) the whole process turned out to be easier and quicker than I thought, phew.

—> So, thanks everyone, for finding me here. I’ll get my life and blog organized directly and try to make it worth my time and yours.

Here are links to the most helpful and least confusing moving-from-Blogger-to-Wordpress posts that saved the day when I tried to set up a 301 Redirect attribute (so that search engines would know I have moved):


…and for fixing the code problem that Blogger will tell you that you are having when you try and save your changes:


Thanks fellas, for saving me many frustrating hours of trying to figure it out by myself!

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