retro vs. vintage
I think what I love most about this space is the bright colors (no surprise there) and the semi-opaque cubbies. It reminds me of the Jetsons and I have good memories of the Jetsons… wondering when all of it would come true. By the way, real living space– jealous?
Not a real home but a mock up by Lux Interior including designs by Orla Kiely and Celia Birtwell. Perhaps it’s the wallpaper and bold prints that I love so much about this space. Anywho, the point is I can’t seem to stop thinking about the styles of yesteryear (why can’t they have taken 1000 pictures a week, like we do?) And here’s why: A fantastic friend gave me 3 boxes of sewing patterns she came across while cleaning out her mom’s house and I an endlessly grateful and indebted. The patterns span 1960’s through 1980’s, and to a seamstress, it’s one of the best gifts one could receive. My daughter and I have been scheming on what to make first. Here are a few of our favorites:
Here are the fabrics I’m working with- red gabardine, hot pink silk. I really, really want to put these two together. The plan for a red dress is Joan from Mad Men’s doing…
A flowy, silky fabric I picked up for $2.50 a yard. I might have to go back and get the rest of the bolt. I’ve got to think about this one- matching lines and stripes, maximize the flowy.
Now, to work on that 19 inch waist…
VaLene Hulme
January 9, 2012 at 11:19 pmThose patterns are great. What is up with their 8 inch waists!!!????!!! I know some people (not me) have teeny tiny waists, but c’mon – those photos are ridiculous!
January 10, 2012 at 6:03 pmI know, I keep telling Q that the picture isn’t what it will really look like on- but it sure sold/continues to sell patterns and dreams. I think I need to make a corset first.
January 13, 2012 at 12:56 amThat 9927 is absolutely and truly the pattern my mom used to make me a party dress when I was a freshman at BYU in 1962. I think I have a picture of myself at Preference wearing it. My roommates and I all had the same hairdo. It was called a flip, made popular by Gidget and Marlo Thomas. What a trip way, way down memory lane.