noelle o designs

creativity + sewing + upcycling inspiration

aprons, design, fabric, fashion, projects, sewing

apron time- part 2

20120425-095011.jpgHere is my second method for attaching the collar. The seam is under the collar, hidden from the inside and outside of the apron. Worked pretty well, but you have to make sure your two collar pieces overlap (or at least touch) in the front and back to avoid seeing the stitching. I stitched the  three layers together (minus the actual collar) to make it lay flatter.

20120425-095024.jpgI do like the look of this method better. A few more tries and I should get to down.

20120425-095037.jpgI even tried top stitching the outer edge of the collar with a fancy stitch.

20120425-095051.jpgA smaller collar, back to bias tape to attach.

20120425-095106.jpgI like adding buttons for that school girl look.




20120425-095203.jpgIf you recall this apron from yesterday- it got the chop. The bodice part was just too jacked up. I added a wide waistband, to be worn high on the waist.

20120425-095217.jpgI think it might need at least one pocket, and some lace to the waistband too. Decisions, decisions…


  1. Daisy Do Write

    April 25, 2012 at 11:59 pm

    I admire your determination to get it right. Also your ability to sew. My mother used to have an apron that was like 2 slings wrapping around your body as best as I can describe it. I loved that apron. It was made with the craziest, ugliest patterned material with wild rick rack all around the outside. LOVED it! Feel free to come by my house and make me some slipcovers for my furniture, I’m going crazy thinking about it!

    1. noelleodesigns

      April 26, 2012 at 3:32 pm

      I like the image of that apron you describe. I need to try a wrapping apron, something that would be useful and look great on every body type. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. cuteasabutton82

    April 26, 2012 at 8:33 am

    Your aprons are just wonderful! Is there a particular pattern you’re using, or have you made it up? Either way you’re super talented 🙂

    1. noelleodesigns

      April 26, 2012 at 3:30 pm

      Thanks, it’s so great to get positive feedback when sometimes you’ve looked at something so long you want to stomp on it then burn it.
      I’ve been combining my favorite aspects of a bunch of patterns to make the perfect apron. Moh-ahh,ahh,ahh! (evil laugh)
      Let’s see if soon I can follow up with a pattern of my own.

      1. cuteasabutton82

        April 26, 2012 at 5:48 pm

        I know that feeling of being so frustrated with what you’re working on, but be encouraged – your work is looking great!

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